When It’s A Plumbing Emergency – Don’t Panic!

A plumbing emergency such as a broken water line or a substantial, sudden leak can be nerve-wracking for homeowners.

Naturally, it is easy to worry about potential damage being done and whether a local plumber is available on an emergency basis who can resolve the issue.

Before thinking about calling a plumbing service and what will be involved in fixing the problem, homeowners need to just relax.

With calmness and clear thought, it is important to follow this short list when reacting to a plumbing emergency!

1. Above All - Do Not Panic!

As troubling as a serious leak or other sudden plumbing problem can be, panicking about possible water damage and the mess being made only slows people down by clouding their thoughts.

The number one rule when facing any kind of plumbing emergency is to stay calm and think things out.

Stopping the water flow and minimizing the damage is easier with clearer thoughts.

2. Shut Off The Water

The most important plumber advice for anyone dealing with leaks or water flowing on their floors is to quickly locate the source of the water and then determine how to shut it off.

When the water is obviously coming from a broken water feed to an appliance or under a sink, turn off the water valves in those locations.

If there is any question as to where the water is coming from or whether the local valve will shut it off, go to the main water valve for the house and turn that off.

This is the step that often causes people to panic if they cannot get the water shut off; however, staying calm and thinking through the process of finding the shutoff is important.

Plumbing services encourage homeowners to prepare for such an emergency by locating the main water shutoff and other valves around the house ahead of time so there is no time wasted when a problem occurs.

3. Eliminate Electrical Hazards

Reduce the possibility of electrical shocks or damage to electrical components by unplugging appliances and other electrical items in the flooded area or flipping off the circuit to that location.

As with the water main valve, if there is any question as to what electrical circuit is servicing the area where a plumbing emergency is happening, cut the power to the whole house at the circuit box.

4. Start Cleaning Up The Water

Once the water is turned off at the valve or main and any safety issues have been addressed by turning off the electricity, start cleaning up any standing water in whatever way is necessary.

Do this before calling a plumber as long as the water is stopped.

With the immediate problem under control, the next most important task is to act quickly to try and minimize water damage.

5. Call An Emergency Plumbing Service

Finally, once the water clean-up process has begun, call a plumbing service that makes emergency calls to come and repair the problem.

While waiting for their arrival, continue efforts to minimize water damage by soaking up or wet-vacuuming water off the floors and removing damageable items from the flooded area.

Stay Calm To Deal With Emergency Plumbing Problems Quickly

A sudden burst of water coming from a broken water line and flooding a part of the house is a plumbing emergency that can definitely be panic-inducing.

Yet as any plumber will attest, dealing with the issue involves staying calm and thinking clearly.

Act quickly to go through this action list and then call a local plumbing service for help once things are under control!

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